Questions to ask before exhibiting at NEW ENERGY

Events in general

  • How often is NEW ENERGY held? The Tokyo exhibition is held once a year, and we plan to hold another in the Kansai area from 2024 onward.
  • What type of demographics are visiting the exhibition? NEW ENERGY will be open to both business visitors and the general public for shopping purposes.
    The Preview Day, the first day of the show, is open to business visitors only. Please refer to the "VISITORS" section of the application guidelines for details on companies and other visitors.

About Exhibits

  • Are there any exhibition criteria? A:Exhibitors are subject to a brief screening process. The judging will be based on the following three main criteria
    1. Creativity
    2. Originality
    3. Compatibility with NEW ENERGY
    Does it match the overall concept of the event? Will it attract the interest of visitors? We will judge the entries comprehensively from perspectives such as the following
  • Is it mandatory to attend for 3 days? We ask that you be present at the booth all three days.
  • Can I exhibit with children? Yes, you can. Please keep an eye on your children to avoid disturbing others and to prevent injuries and accidents.
  • Can I exhibit as an agent or trading company? Yes, you can.
  • Can I exhibit jointly? As a rule, joint exhibits by two or more companies are prohibited. Exhibiting in a showroom as a distributor or trading company is allowed.
  • Can students exhibit? Yes, you can.
  • Can I discuss booth decorations? Yes, you can. Please feel free to contact us for a consultation on a decoration plan that fits your design direction and budget.
  • Can I have tastings in the booth? This is only possible in designated areas. In addition, a separate charge will be incurred for the use of water supply and drainage facilities.Please be sure to check the application guidelines "Application for Handling Food and Beverages" for details.

Exhibit Fee

  • Are there any other costs associated with exhibiting at the show other than the exhibition fee? If you arrange your own fixtures, etc., in principle, there is no charge other than the exhibition fee.
    Optional services such as vehicle tickets, fixture leasing, carpeting, and electricity usage fees are available. Various PR menus are also available. For details, please refer to the "Example of Optional Plans" in the Application Guidelines.
  • Can I exhibit with a grant or subsidy? It is possible. Please refer to the website of each municipality. The organizer will not issue any documents other than invoices and receipts. Exhibitors are responsible for preparing necessary documents related to application and vouchers. (Application Guidelines "Terms and Conditions for Exhibitors 6. Visas")
  • When is the deadline for payment of the exhibition fee? It varies depending on the date of application. For details, please refer to "How to Exhibit and Steps to Exhibit" in the Application Guidebook.
  • Can I cancel after applying to exhibit? After application, a cancellation fee of 100% of the exhibition fee will be charged.

About Product Sales

  • Do I have to sell merchandise? Exhibitors may exhibit only, but over 90% of exhibitors will participate in product sales. If you have inventory or are able to take individual orders, we encourage you to participate in the on-site merchandise sales.
    (The purchase rate will be higher if you sell on site rather than online.)
    *International exhibitors are still under consideration and will be announced as soon as they are determined.
  • What is the checkout process for merchandise sales? Cashless payment is available.
    Please use the designated payment terminals prepared by the organizer.
    *International exhibitors are still under consideration and will be announced as soon as they are determined.


  • I'm an overseas exhibitor. Can you arrange a visa for me to enter the country? Exhibitors who need to obtain a visa are responsible for preparing and processing the necessary documents including the Letter of Guarantee and Letter of Reason for Invitation. (Application Guidelines "Terms and Conditions for Exhibitors 6. Visa Acquisition")
  • Can I sponsor the event without exhibiting? Yes, you can.Please see sponsorship materials for details.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions not listed above.